About a couple weeks ago, I was really stressed out with pretty much everything. Being a mom, a teething baby, being sick, EVERYONE being sick, a hubby not happy with work, several dreary days in a row, not even scratching the surface of my to do list and yet still being run-into-the-ground busy, etc. So after the girls were in bed I skipped on over to my in-law's house (they were out of town) to get a change of atmosphere and some peace and quiet. Believe it or not, even when the kids are in bed and asleep, you are still on "full alert" for any sounds that might come out of their rooms. You just can't stop listening... even in your sleep. Anyway, I just sat down with my sketchbook in my lap and started drawing. I've never done that before. I kind of had an idea of what I wanted to draw but I didn't know how to make it turn out the way I wanted it to. I told myself "just start drawing". So I did and lo and behold, it turned out exactly how I wanted it to. I REALLY liked it when I was finished. It took me about an hour to sketch it out. It makes me feel peaceful. I think I am going to hang it up as a reminder to get away from everything when everything starts becoming to too much (as soon as hubby gets home, of course). I felt so much more collected and calm when I came back home. I'm disappointed that no one else I show it to seems to like it as much as I do, but that's ok. I can love it even when no one else does.
Sorry this sounds so depressing. On a happier note... I am VERY excited about setting up all my sewing stuff here in the next few days! Yay! Can't wait!
Hope everyone has a great week...
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